



近年増加している水害を減らそうと、洪水氾濫のシミュレーションを行うソフトウエア「DioVISTA」を開発した日立製作所の山口悟史さん。 ソフトウエア開発の経緯や今後の展望などについて聞きました。


Presentation outlining the award-winning entry by Team MDTS from the Industrial AI Laboratory, part of the Research & Development team at Hitachi America Ltd., in the ACM SIGKDD 2021 Multi-dataset Time-Series Anomaly Detection Competition. Over 500 teams submitted close to 2000 entries.


The Energy Solution Laboratory, part of the Research & Development team at Hitachi America, Ltd., is working with key stakeholders to resolve the challenges faced by the energy industry as it undergoes digital transformation. GLOW (GridLAB-D™ open workspace) is a graphical user interface developed in collaboration with the California Energy Commission (CEC) and partners, to bring fast accurate data collection and provide an intuitive and user-friendly environment for researchers, planners, developers and regulators involved in advanced electric grid technology deployment, and efficient renewable energy resource management. (New functions will continue to be added.)




Future societies will function on a system of systems and smart autonomous vehicles will play an integral part. The video describes how the Automotive Products Research Laboratory, part of the Research & Development team at Hitachi America Ltd., is developing technologies that integrate connected data with automotive applications to realize next generation autonomous mobility. (*Please note that the “Hitachi Automotive Systems Americas” is now part of Hitachi Astemo, a company formed on 1 January 2021, and is known as Hitachi Astemo Americas, Inc.)


At Hitachi, we strive to improve Quality of Life through social innovation. Hitachi America R&D is developing solutions for a more sustainable society, through a process we call “Manufacturing to Zero.”


生産年齢人口の減少に伴う人手不足解消のため、製造現場や物流倉庫において、ロボットを活用した搬送の自動化が進められています。 日立は、ロボットの搬送速度や軌道の調整工数低減を目的として、進化型動作計画システムを開発しました。 本研究成果は、ロボティクス分野のトップカンファレンスである、2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021)で発表される予定です。







