At OpenFog World Congress, Dr. Joydeep Acharya, senior research engineer of Digital Solution Platform Lab of CSI-NA presented peer-reviewed research paper about GPS analytics for mobile IoT to achieve context aware data compression and privacy and also received interview about IoT Edge Analytics for Hitachi High Speed Rail.
グロービスセミナー 「人工知能はビジネスをどう変えるか」 (2017年8月29日開催/グロービス経営大学院 東京校)
人工知能が注目されている中で、実はビジネス面での成果はなかなか出ていない。人工知能はどのような分野で効果的に作用し、人間はそれをどうサポートする必要があるのか。ビジネスの成果につながる人工知能のために何が必要かを解き明かすとともに、従業員にHappinessをもたらし、生産性を上げる人工知能の可能性を語る。『データの見えざる手』著者、日立製作所 研究開発グループ 技師長・矢野和男氏が語る「人工知能はビジネスをどう変えるか」。
2017年4月に東京・「ダイバーシティ東京 プラザ」で行われた、ヒューマノイドロボット「EMIEW3」を活用したPRサービスの実証実験の様子です。こちらは、館内を移動しながらクーポンのPRを行うデモです。
日立製作所の研究開発における三大方針は、「注力4事業分野への集中」、「事業拡大を支えるLumadaの進化」、「将来の社会課題への挑戦」である。IT(Information Technology)とOT(Operation Technology)とプロダクトを自社でまかなえる総合力の強み、「Lumada」を軸とした社会イノベーション事業推進の意義、Insights Labをはじめとするグローバルな研究開発体制の狙いなど、日立製作所のR&D戦略について鈴木教洋・研究開発グループ長が語った。
2017年2月に東京・「ダイバーシティ東京 プラザ」で行われた、ヒューマノイドロボット「EMIEW3」を活用した店舗案内サービスの実証実験の様子です。こちらは、食べたいメニューからお勧めのレストランを紹介するデモです。
日立グループ・アイデンティティを胸に働く世界中の日立の仲間が、自身の仕事に対する情熱、夢、誇りを語り、自分たち一人一人こそが日立であるという思いを込めて、「I am Hitachi」と力強く宣言しています。
The autonomous mobility ecosystem is as dynamic as it is complex. It creates an enhanced driving experience, along with a complete range of benefits. However, it also raises understandable challenges and concerns, many first-of-their-kind, among consumers, customers and the general public.
Hitachi is aligning and combining its control technology and knowledge across several industries, with Hitachi Group companies working together on these new mobility technologies. For example, Clarion, a leading in-vehicle information-solutions provider, is sharing its expertise in sensor technology, high-definition cameras, SurroundEye Cameras, Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and Telematics Control Units (TCUs).
Hitachi recognizes that connected and autonomous vehicles are a vital part of the future for the automotive industry and society, and is committed to the innovation needed to achieve full automation. As part of the company's commitment, and through its relationship with the University of Michigan's Mobility Transformation Center and Mcity, Hitachi is progressing toward autonomous driving technologies that will deliver new levels of safety, reliability, efficiency, comfort, convenience and security that will benefit not only the next generation of vehicle owners and users but society as well.
The 2016 Hitachi Social Innovation Forum was held in Santa Clara, California, to convene the innovators who together will shape the future of IoT. With Hitachi AI Technology we aim at providing support in resolving social issues and in achieving business growth beyond human conception. Hitachi's vision is to become your innovation partner of the IT and IoT era, solving today's challenges for a better future. Explore more about Hitachi Robotics and Hitachi AI.
Among its range of next-generation drive control technology, Hitachi's developments in autonomous parking mark a critical juncture in the transformation of the automotive sector, and how we interact with cars in our daily lives. With more people and cars on the road and in our cities and towns than ever, it's all the more important to keep things together in tight spaces and simplify tricky maneuvers. Hitachi's innovative technology for autonomous parking helps keep life safer, and everyday parking easier.
Hitachi is helping make strides toward a safer world, and autonomous mobility has taken on a decisive role for driving those changes in daily life. One of the most exciting developments in Hitachi's plan for connected mobility has arrived: autonomous parking technology. Sometimes the simplest functions can provide the most hazardous conditions for drivers. Hitachi's innovative technology for autonomous parking make everyday parking easier.
Among Hitachi's range of next-generation drive control technology, developments in autonomous parking mark a critical juncture in the transformation of the automotive sector, and how we interact with cars in our daily lives. With more people and cars on the road and in our cities and towns than ever, raising a modern family means keeping things together in tight spaces. Hitachi's innovative technology for autonomous parking helps keep families safe even when life puts on the squeeze.