a. 環境性と経済性を両立するライフサイクルエンジニアリング・エコデザイン(ライフサイクルシミュレーション、ライフサイクルアセスメント(LCA))
b. OT×ITを実現するデジタル製造・解析(多変量解析、ケモメトリクス、プロセスセンシング・アナリティクス、機械学習・AI、MD、インフォマティクス)
c. 加工プロセス最適化(樹脂成形、金属成形・機械加工、工程設計)
d. 検査・計測(分光、光分析、光学設計、光学シミュレーション)
Publishing Academic Papers:
A.Yamaguchi, S.Arai, N.Arai, "Design strategy for blends of biodegradable polyester and thermoplastic starch based on a molecular dynamics study of the phase-separated interface", Carbohydrate Polymers, 333 (2024).
Abstract: Molecular insight into the phase-separated interface formed when biodegradable polyesters and thermoplastic starch (TPS) are melt-blended is valuable for the design of composites. In this study, eight different interfaces combining four major biodegradable polyesters (PLA, PBS, PHB and PBAT) and two TPSs [unmodified TPS (nTPS) and citrate-modified TPS (cTPS)] were investigated by using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. According to the MD simulation results, PBS, PHB and PBAT diffuse readily into the TPS and form compatible interfaces, whereas PLA is less compatible with the TPS. The results of tensile simulations show that PBS and PBAT adhere well to TPS; in particular, PBS/cTPS and PBAT/cTPS exhibit high interfacial-fracture energy (G). Both PLA and PHB blended with TPS exhibit low G because PLA is less compatible with TPS and PHB and TPS have low electrostatic interaction. The reason for the high G of PBS/cTPS and PBAT/cTPS is thought to be a combination of three factors: (i) formation of a deep compatible interface, (ii) suppression of void growth by electrostatic interactions and (iii) absorption of strain energy by a change in the conformation of the molecular chains. These three interfacial adhesion mechanisms should be considered when designing biodegradable polyester/TPS blends with good mechanical properties.
T.Hariyama, K.Maruno, M.Watanabe, S.Takahashi, "Analysis of measuring distance error caused by thermal fluctuation and development of error reduction technique for frequency-modulated continuous-wave method", Precision Engineering, Vol.82, 199-211(2023)
Abstract: To improve the robustness of frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) distance measurement systems, we clarified the effect of temperature changes in the surroundings. In particular, the temperature change causes a phase change between the slow-axis and fast-axis polarization of the optical fiber, which in turn causes a distance error. Numerical analysis using a model of the phase state of polarization revealed that a distance gain error occurs in the reference fiber interference unit and a distance offset error occurs in the measurement fiber interference unit of the FMCW distance measurement system. We propose two measurement-error reduction methods that suppress the phase change in polarization in accordance with the characteristics of each interference unit. Experimental evaluations showed that the measurement errors were reduced from 5 μm to 1 μm and the temperature robustness of the system was improved.
T.Kambayashi, T.Noguchi, A.Nojima, S.Kono, S.Taniguchi, Y.Ozaki, "Glucose Monitoring in Cell Culture with Online Ultrasound-Assisted Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", Anal.Chem. 92(4), 2946-2952 (2020)
Abstract: Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic analysis for suspensions often requires a pretreatment by dilution or filtering of suspended solids to maintain the sensitivity of the measurements. An online ultrasound-assisted spectroscopy (UAS) unit enabling pretreatment-free and noncontact analysis for bioprocessing is proposed and evaluated with a model suspension containing 3-μm-diameter polystyrene latex particles (PSLs) with the density of 5.1 × 108 counts/ml and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell culture whose cell density was 3.2 × 107 cells/ml. The online UAS uses acoustic radiation force generated by ultrasonic standing waves. Suspended matter such as the PSLs and CHO cells can be localized at nodal planes in the suspensions by the acoustic radiation force. Hence, in the case of the online UAS, incoming light can pass through the suspensions more easily than that in the case of a conventional spectroscopy. Its effectiveness was evaluated by the predictive capability of a calibration model for glucose concentrations in the model suspensions and the CHO cell cultures. The calibration models were constructed by use of a partial least-squares regression (PLS-R) in the range of 4900–4200 cm–1 region after the pretreatment of second-order Savitzky-Golay filter. The calibration model built from the NIR spectra acquired with the online UAS could predict the glucose concentration in the CHO cell cultures with a measurement error of 0.6%. It was validated that the glucose concentrations in the flowing model suspension were able to be monitored by the online UAS with a measurement error of 8%. The newly developed online UAS for cell culture monitoring allows us to promote a wider use of NIR spectroscopy. For example, in the applications to the biopharmaceutical and cell-therapy industries, the online UAS enables simpler and easier monitoring of cell cultures because cleaning and sterilization of monitoring tools after cell culturing can be eliminated.
T.hariyama, T.Toyouchi, S.Baba, M.Watanabe, "Development of Inspection Technology for Remanufacturing", EcoBalance 2024(2024)
H.Nakatsuchi, C.Kubota, H.Suzuki, H.Morita, "Data-driven material and process solutions for the utilization of recycled plastics", EcoBalance 2024 (2024).
八木 大介, 神林 琢也, 尼崎 新平, "蛍光指紋データを活用した再生材含有率の推定技術", プラスチック成形加工学会第32回秋季大会 (2024).
YounJeong Hong, Kenji Nishikawa, Yuki Murasato, Yuki Shimizu, Yoshiteru Katsumura, "Eco-design Towards Sustainable Manufacturing by Environmental Assessment Navigation", EcoDesign 2023 (2023).
向瀬レミ,石上孝,京井正之, "アモルファスの打抜き加工における金型損傷原因の明確化と対策の検証", 第73 回塑性加工連合講演会論文集, 335-336 (2022)
豊内哲也, 丸山重信,"反射像観察による球体表面外観検査の感度検証", 精密工学会春季大会(2022)
T.Kambayashi, T.Noguchi, A.Nojima, S.Kono, S.Taniguchi, Y.Ozaki, "Glucose Monitoring in Cell Culture with Online Ultrasound-Assisted Near-Infrared Spectroscopy", Anal.Chem. 92(4), 2946-2952 (2020)
豊内哲也, 丸山重信,"魔境原理を用いた円筒試料表面検査技術", VIEW2020(2020)
Daisuke Yagi, Hidenori Takai, Hiroki Watanabe. "The Algorithm to Discriminate Factors of Defects and Determine the Countermeasures from Process Data and Application to Highly-Functional Film Process," presented at the 2020 AIChE Annual Meeting.
河野 一平, 寺前 俊哉, "人と設備に依存しない安定加工を実現する加工デジタルレシピ", 日本機械学会誌, 124(1231), 30-33 (2021)
日立ブランド 家電5製品が「2022年度グッドデザイン賞」を受賞、さらに上位の「グッドデザイン金賞」に日立グループ初の2製品同時選出:
"Smart operation recommender system digitalizing OT knowledge to improve productivity":