機械学習、強化学習、Deep Learning、人流・物流最適化、異常・予兆検知、モデリング・シミュレータ、デジタルツイン、自然科学と機械学習の融合、デジタルトランスフォーメーション、ヒューマンセンシング、分析ナレッジデータベース、ダークデータ分析、ドメイン知識活用機械学習、Knowledge Graph、MLOps
Publishing Academic Papers:
Kuwamoto, S., Kitano, Y., & Asahara, A. (2020, December). Machine-learning-based People-flow Simulation for Facility Layout Planning. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 1362-1367). IEEE.
DOI: 10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9378304
We present a practical people-flow simulation method for evaluating facility layout plans; and demonstrate its effectiveness in experiments using real people-flow data. To improve the robustness of our previous machine-learning-based method, we use a single model trained from entire trajectory data, considering the negative effect of dividing up the training data. We also introduce feature values that represent positional relations between a pedestrian's destination and obstacles. To evaluate the performance of our method, people-flow data were obtained by using LiDAR sensors in an office before and after its layout was changed. In the experiments, we trained the prediction model from only the data before the layout change and found that the people-flow simulation was accurate even after the layout change. We also confirmed that our method outperformed the existing ones. As a result, it was confirmed that our people-flow simulation method can be used to evaluate facility layout plans.
Osakabe, Y.; Asahara, A. MatVAE: Independently Trained Nested Variational Autoencoder for Generating Chemical Structural Formula. AAAI Spring Symposium: MLPS 2021
Rapid materials development utilizes deep generative models to suggest candidate compounds with desirable properties before actual experiments. Such models successfully generate novel candidates with improved properties in some cases, but they usually require a large experimental dataset which is difficult to obtain. We propose MatVAE–two nested VAEs independently trained on different datasets. The first VAE, which is trained on a huge open dataset, is a universal generator of chemical structural formulae, and the second VAE, which is trained on a small experimental dataset, learns the structure–property relation. This training framework can be understood as a semi-supervised learning, which is expected to enhance model transferability. We verified that MatVAE generates five times more valid candidate compounds than the conventional un-nested single VAE model.
Yuji Suwa, Zhiming Gu, Takuya Obata, Shinji Nakagawa, Ryoichi Morishita, Kazuki Sawayama, Takeshi Tsuji, “Accurate determination of the first arrival time of elastic wave traveled through rock sample by machine learning”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Volume 203, (2022), 104688,
To automate time-consuming and experience-based analysis of elastic wave velocities in rock samples, we propose a method of determining the arrival time of experimental waveform data using machine learning. Our model is one-dimensional semantic segmentation based on U-net utilizing ResNet and attention mechanisms. The results demonstrate high accuracy of travel time estimation (0.0125 μs) of two types of waves (P- and S-waves). Our approach can estimate the travel time in any experimental device. This method reduces the interpretation time and human biases in analyzing laboratory data of elastic waves. Therefore, this approach contributes to the efficient evaluation of subsurface structure from seismic properties.
Yawata, K., Osakabe, Y., Okuyama, T., & Asahara, A. QUBO-inspired Molecular Fingerprint for Chemical Property Prediction. In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data) (pp. 2437-2440). IEEE.
Molecular fingerprints are widely used for predicting chemical properties, and selecting appropriate fingerprints is important. We generate new fingerprints based on the assumption that a performance of prediction using a more effective fingerprint is better. We generate effective interaction fingerprints that are the product of multiple base fingerprints. It is difficult to evaluate all combinations of interaction fingerprints because of computational limitations. Against this problem, we transform a problem of searching more effective interaction fingerprints into a quadratic unconstrained binary optimization problem. In this study, we found effective interaction fingerprints using QM9 dataset.
Suemitsu, I., Miyashita, N., Hosoda, J., Shimazu, Y., Nishikawa, T., Izui, K. Integration of sales, inventory, and transportation resource planning by dynamic-demand joint replenishment problem with time-varying costs. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024,
This paper addresses the joint replenishment problem in the context of sales and operations planning. Unlike traditional ones that assume static demands, unit costs, and transportation capacity, we consider dynamic-deterministic demands from sales plans and time-varying unit costs and transportation capacity to deal with the recent logistics conditions. We then introduce the capacitated dynamic-demand joint replenishment problem with time-varying costs. To efficiently solve this problem, a three-phase approach is proposed: (1) simplifying the problem and determining ideal inventory quantities using mixed integer linear programming, (2) estimating policy variables for each item using the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy, and (3) updating the ideal inventory quantities based on evaluated shortages until all demands are satisfied. Our method outperforms conventional approaches with at least 12 times faster solution runtimes in tests with up to 100 items. We also obtain the insight that the cost-efficient replenishment plan changes according to the increase rate of the unit transportation cost.
Building Relationships:
記事:世界中のダークデータを抽出せよ。日立製作所 × スタンフォード大学の北米戦略について聞いてみた Qiita×Hitachi特設ページ
記事:日立のマテリアルズ・インフォマティクスを支える若手データサイエンティスト・研究者3名が語る、世の中の理(ことわり)への探究談義120分 Qiita×Hitachi特設ページ
鍬本賢志, 北野佑, & 淺原彰規. (2020, August). レイアウト変更対応型人流シミュレーション. In IEICE Conferences Archives. The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.
北野佑, 鍬本賢志, & 淺原彰規. (2021). データ駆動型人流シミュレーション. 電子情報通信学会誌= The journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 104(9), 970-974.
山城昌雄 他(2021). 機械学習を用いた輸送障害時の旅客流動予測モデルの開発、鉄道技術・政策連合シンポジウム (J-RAIL2021).
照屋絵理 他,"新素材研究開発分野における文献からの研究支援情報抽出技術の提案", 第20回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2021),2021年8月.
我妻正太郎 他,"自動作成された類義語抽出ルールによる類義語抽出精度向上手法", 第20回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2021),2021年8月.
濱本敬大 他,"複数顧客に向けた共通の予測モデルの精度向上手法の検討", 第20回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2021),2021年8月.
Miyata, Yasushi, et.al. "Concept drift detection on data stream for revising DBSCAN cluster." Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics. June 2020, Pages 104–110,
宮田康志 他, "ストリームデータのConcept Drift検出によるDBSCANクラスタ補正", 電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌)2020 年 140 巻 8 号 p. 949-955,
北野佑, 半田岳志. (2022). データ駆動型人流シミュレーションのモデル汎化手法の検討. マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイル DICOMO 2022 シンポジウム 論文集, 606-613. 優秀論文賞受賞
半田岳志, 北野佑. (2022). 行列を考慮したデータ駆動型人流シミュレーション. マルチメディア, 分散, 協調とモバイル DICOMO 2022 シンポジウム 論文集, 614-621.
鍬本賢志, 北野佑. (2022). 人流計測データを活用した商業施設内の店舗立ち寄り人数予測. 第21回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2022), 2022年9月.
高重聡一 他: 時系列データを用いた異常予兆検知におけるMLOpsの事例紹介, 映像情報メディア学会冬季大会, 2021.
露木雅文 他: 家庭向け電力の非侵入型負荷モニタリングにおける電力分離モデルの別季節・場所への転用可能性の検討, 2022年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第36回), 2022.
武藤和夫 他: トピックモデルを用いた保全記録の分類, 2022年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第36回), 2022.
我妻正太郎 他: 保守文書に記載される故障表現間の関係性抽出技術の開発, 情報処理学会 第21回情報科学技術フォーラム(FIT2022), 2022.
松本茂紀 他:データサイエンティスト活動を高付加価値化するフレームワーク,電子情報通信学会誌, 105巻 10号p. 1235-1240, 2022年10月.
AIKOH, Kazuhide, et.al. Data Profiling Method for Metadata Management. In: 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). IEEE, 2020. p. 779-780.
Teruya, Eri, et al. "ARTS: autonomous research topic selection system using word embeddings and network analysis." Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3.2 (2022): 025005.
諏訪雄二, 中川慎二 他: (2022). 機械学習による弾性波速度測定実験の自動解析技術. 電子情報通信学会論文誌D,No.1,pp.52-59
我妻正太郎, 竹内理: 化学系特許中の表及びテキストからの材料知識データ抽出, 日本コンピュータ化学会誌, 22巻2号, 2023
鍬本賢志 他: 駅設備の高度化を支援する3D仮想空間上の人流計測シミュレータの開発と,適正なセンサ配置条件の検証、J-RAIL2023
森長大貴 他: アニーリングマシンを利用したグラフニューラルネットワークによる高精度な分子特性予測, マルチメディア,分散,協調とモバイルシンポジウムDICOMO 2023論文集, 125-130
犬塚翔太 他: マルチエージェント強化学習による多主体調停技術, 情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2023), 2023
福島卓弥 他: 鉄道運転整理における強化学習を用いたリスケジューリングの検討, 情報科学技術フォーラム (FIT2023), 2023
人の動きに連動した空間演出でフィジカル・ディスタンシングを誘発する技術 - 日立
“AI for Powering Good” – A joint workshop by Hitachi & Mila
In October 2019, the “AI for Powering Good” workshop was organized as part of a research collaboration project which has been going on between Mila (Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms) and Hitachi since spring 2019. The workshop was an idea to bring the researchers from both Hitachi and Mila to meet each other and to share and exchange knowledge as networking is a key element for successful collaboration.
Vegetation Manager: Manage tree growth before they cause power outages
Utilities understand the importance of vegetation management to grid reliability and long-term resilience—but it’s an expensive, complex, and tedious process. Without the right data, you can’t plan; without planning, you can’t prioritize; without prioritizing, critical issues go unresolved, and a hazard tree takes down part of your grid. Be proactive with prevention.
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